Iron Will Enterprises
The Saints
Course Description
This course is for anyone who wishes to be inspired by the lives of holy men and women who changed the world in shocking ways. Anyone who will be a parent, a priest, a nun, or a youth minister and will one day want to share the Faith must have examples of Christian heroes. As Mother Teresa reminded us, everyone is called to holiness.
Caution: Some do not enroll in a religion class because it isn't required for TOPS or LA Core 4. But can any subject be more important than one that instructs the soul? Maybe we have it backwards—TOPS and LA Core 4 credits are not required for entrance into Heaven.
Man With a Dream,
The Shadow of His Wings,
Edmund Campion – Hero of God's Underground,
A Song for Nagasaki,
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati: An Ordinary Christian,
The Scarlet and the Black,
Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Conquest of Darkness,
Saint John Paul the Great,
and Saints Among Us (selected readings about saints).
Movies and Tapes:
A Time for Miracles,
Bishop Sheen's Irish Wit and Wisdom,
The Silent Witness,
Jesus and the Shroud of Turin,
Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Conquest of Darkness,
Don Bosco,
The Scarlet and the Black,
The Most Handsome Saint in Heaven,
Mother Teresa,
A Time for Mercy,
The Silent Witness,
For Greater Glory